You may have heard by now this is Super Tuesday when voters in 13 states take part in primaries and caucuses. Michigan voters will need to wait a week until March 8th. How’s the Republican race shaping up here?
WGVU breaks down polling data from Lansing-based Target-Insight that shows Donald Trump with a commanding lead.
Michigan Republicans will vote in large numbers March 8th. Of the 400 registered Republicans surveyed by Target-Insyght, 90% said they are almost certain to cast a primary vote.
Who will they vote for? As of now, it’s frontrunner Donald Trump by a wide margin - capturing 41% of primary votes to Marco Rubio’s 17%, Ted Cruz with 14%, John Kasich at 12% and Ben Carson’s 8%.
Ed Sarpolus is Target-Insyght Executive Director. He says Trump’s lead in the poll has grown significantly in less than month.
“That’s an increase of six points in the last two weeks. Rubio’s dropped. Cruz has dropped. And the only person who has seen an increase other than Trump is Kasich - he’s doubled his numbers in two weeks.”
Trump easily wins all Michigan major metropolitan areas. In Lansing alone, 50 percent of Republicans say they’ll vote for Trump.
But of all the state’s big cities that include Detroit, Flint, Lansing and Traverse City, Trump receives the least love in West Michigan.
“Cruz is getting 24 percent of the vote but Trump is getting 37 percent here in the Grand Rapids metered market. So west Michigan conservatives is actually leaning more toward Cruz, but basically Trump still wins here.”
Candidates will be making visits to Michigan this week leading up to the March 8th primary held here and in Hawaii, Idaho and Mississippi.